
Mon-Thur, 9am-5pm; Fri, 9am-1pm

(865) 691-0898

Every year, the Nalls Sherbakoff Group is proud to sponsor the Shoot for Scouting Sporting Clays fundraiser to help at-risk youth, put on by the Great Smoky Mountain Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

At-risk youths are young people who are economically disadvantaged, live in single or no-parent homes, and or are growing up in hostile environments such as crime or drug infested neighborhoods.  These youth would not have a Scouting experience if it were not for the Scoutreach programs of the Council.

The Great Smoky Mountain Council serves 21 Counties in East Tennessee. Funds raised from this event will go to support the Scouting program for more than 1,100 youth served in the East TN region.

What a great cause–and as you can see from the highlight video below, we certainly had a great time!

Many thanks to Nathan Haun at HaunMade Creative for the video!