February 2024 "Each sunrise brings a new day filled with new hopes for a new beginning." -- Debasish Mridha, physician, writer, philosopher, and philanthropist During these early days of the new year, it's natural to contemplate fresh starts and exciting...
Estate Planning 101
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” --Mark Twain, American author While many find it anxiety-provoking to think about, creating a legally binding plan to distribute your assets after your death ultimately provides you with peace of mind. You can rest...
Value vs. Growth
Don’t struggle to find the needle in the haystack; just buy the haystack.”-Jack Bogle, American Investor & Founder of The Vanguard Group Value investing and growth investing are two different investing styles. The main difference between value and growth stocks...
Cybersecurity & Real-Life Scams
“Wealth isn’t primarily determined by investment performance, but by investor behavior.” -- Nick Murray, Simple Wealth Inevitable Wealth A year ago, Eden and Mark (last name withheld), lost their life savings to a scammer. “We lost all the money we made in our...
Long-Term Investing Over Timing the Market
News flash. The Nalls Sherbakoff Group, LLC has moved! We are still conveniently located in Franklin Square but are now in Suite 505. We look forward to seeing you in our new office soon! "The only problem with market timing is getting the timing right."-- Peter...
It is with our passions as it is with fire and water, they are good servants, but bad masters. --Aesop, Greek fabulist and storyteller FIRE up your portfolio The FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement puts a hefty premium on financial security....
Lifetime and Legacy Gifting Considerations
“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up.” — Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway When should you begin to distribute your wealth? Most people think of this as something that happens once they have passed away. But...
Financial Planning for Aging Parents
By Caroline M. Friedrich, CPA, CFP® After working with hundreds of retirees over the years, we’ve found that most retirees face the same 5 financial planning challenges during the first 10 years of retirement. If you are nearing retirement and feeling anxious about...
Is My Money Safe?
“It’s not about having lots of money. It’s knowing how to manage it.” — Anonymous Is My Money Safe? In light of the recent banking turmoil, we wanted to address a common question: What happens to my money if my bank or brokerage firm goes under? It’s important to...
Tax Time – Tips to Consider to Cut Your Bill
Tax Time - Tips to Consider to Cut Your BillBy Caroline M. Friedrich, CPA, CFP® The IRS announced that January 23 was the start of the 2023 tax season—or the date the IRS began accepting 2022 tax year returns. If you have yet to file, most taxpayers have until...