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Soon after Sabina Gault got her public relations firm up and running in 2008, she asked for a show of hands from employees interested in having a company 401(k) plan. The consensus? “Nobody wanted it,” said Ms. Gault, whose firm, Konnect Public Relations, based in Los Angeles, had just a few employees at the time.

Two years later, with eight people on her payroll, she raised the question a second time. Again, the response was lukewarm. So she waited.

Finally, in 2013, she made an executive decision about the 401(k): “I said, ‘We’re going to do it no matter what, even if it’s just a few of us.’ ”

While the share of small businesses offering 401(k) plans has picked up since 2008 — when just 10 percent offered the benefit — 401(k) plans are still the exception at small companies.

Read full article at: http://ow.ly/zQdJo