
Mon-Thur, 9am-5pm; Fri, 9am-1pm

(865) 691-0898

Managing The Isolation

From Kim Spencer, The Nalls Sherbakoff Group, LLC.

Hello from my living room,

The Nalls Sherbakoff staff have been working from home for the last month. Halie is the only one in the office, answering calls, and handling all the administrative tasks we need her to do. She’s lonely in the office by herself. I’m the only one on staff without family living with me and I’m not lonely.

 A lot of how we as individuals manage situations like this has to do with our essential make up. Some of us are fine being alone, and some of us really need interaction with others. Neither is right or wrong, it’s just how we’re made.

I’ve been watching how the community as a whole is dealing with this time, and I’m heart warmed by how we are reaching out to others remotely. Some of my friends are busily sewing masks for health care workers, one friend has made over 600. Masks. Some friends are providing meals to front line workers, either hospital or first responders. Some are simply ordering meals a couple of times a week from local restaurants to help them stay afloat. It’s amazing how reaching out in some way to others helps your own feelings of isolation and loneliness.

If you are feeling isolated, find something that is meaningful to you and reach out. Order a dinner for someone, and they can go pick it up. Or drop it on their doorstep, wave and go home. You can buy a gift card to a local restaurant and give it to someone. This helps the restaurant owner as well.

Another idea is to write a letter to someone. Don is a big fan of sending cards to others, and I know I always enjoy getting snail mail. If you have friends with children at home, offer to help with homework over Zoom or Skype. I have clients that are amazing math teachers and they’ve done that over the years with their grandchildren and others. Parents are feeling overwhelmed right now and that would give them a break.

You can donate supplies to a local foodbank (order through Amazon or another online retailer). If you’re handy with a sewing machine, there are online tutorials for making masks. The thing you choose doesn’t have to be expensive or put you at risk.

My family is getting together this weekend over Zoom to visit with each other, and we have discovered Houseparty. Last night my granddaughter and I made graham cracker bird houses together even though we live hours away from each other. I’ve gotten to see my youngest grandchild smile for the first time over Skype. You don’t have to be a tech genius to use some of these tools. Skype, Zoom and Facetime are all ways we can stay connected with each other during this time we can’t be together in person.

Another idea for staying connected is to get some friends together, go to a parking lot and tailgate each from your own cars and by practicing social distancing.

I’d love to hear what you’re doing to stay connected to others and to help out our community during this shelter-in-place time. I wish I could tell you when it will be over, but I can tell you we’re all in this together, and if there is anything anyone at The Nalls Sherbakoff Group or I can do for you, please ask.


The Nalls Sherbakoff Group, LLC

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